Digital Religious Library at Your Fingertips
- Published in Other news items
We recently expanded our resource collection on the website with letters from the General Minister Pasquale Rywalski from 1972 to 1980. This material in PDF format was originally made available only in Italian. But thanks to the kindness and diligence of the brothers, they were recently collected and translated into several other languages, also in digital format. As of now, these enduring and charismatic letters are also available to read in Italian, Polish, Spanish and French. As with the original Italian, these materials were scanned versions in PDF format. The files were prepared with OCR text recognition, which is also useful as a single word search on the PDF files using the search function (Ctrl + F).
We are also pleased to announce another new section entitled “Letters of the Popes to the Capuchins”, which was just recently added to the documents page on our website. These are a collection of addresses by the popes to the Capuchin Friars Minor during the years 1968 -2018. We are indebted to the friars who continued to commit themselves to providing accurate translations for such publications.
All nine papal addresses are available here, as published in the following five languages:
Two other languages, Portuguese and German, include sections of text, but neither are complete versions. We invite you to please take advantage of our digital religious library, as it is a useful collection of charismatic texts on our life and formation.
You can find all these resources in the "Digital Archive" collection, which contains the complete materials published on the Website in our Google Drive collection (Letters of the Ministers General, Plenary Councils of the Order, Constitutions). This collection allows for quick and easy download, so that you can make use of the materials offline for work and personal study.