The Fifth “Family Day” of the Worldwide Capuchin Sisters
- Published in Other news items
The Fifth “Family Day” of the Worldwide Capuchin Sisters
July 3, 2021
As we do every year, we anticipate during the first days of July this event commemorating the papal approval of the Capuchin Reform of 1528 (with the bull Religionis Zelus) that dates from the beginnings our spiritual family.
Going beyond a simple look at the history, we aim to celebrate, in communion with our brothers and sisters, this network of spiritual relationships that we call the Capuchin Family, and which goes far beyond the friars present in 110 nations.
First of all, we unite ourselves with our contemplative sisters: the Capuchin Poor Clares, the Sacramentary Poor Clares, the Capuchin Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis and the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration, who daily offer their prayer and dedication for the benefit of the whole family.
In a special way, we enter into communion with all our brothers and sisters who are members of the Institutes of Consecrated Life annexed to our Order, which many times historically were founded or accompanied by Capuchin friars... We have been partners in mission and evangelization in many places, and we have shared the holiness and martyrdom that seal our common union.
We also recognize the spiritual ties we have made with so many lay institutions and associations that have their origin with the Capuchin friars: young people, adults, families, prayer groups, social works, human promotion organizations, missionary support services, voluntary work, schools, hospitals, etc. Many who feel authentic sense of Capuchin life and service as lay people with a special identity and spirituality: to them, we offer our appreciation and gratitude.
The painful and prolonged consequences of the pandemic are still being felt and it is not yet advisable to encourage face-to-face meetings. But certainly, our communion runs on a deeper frequency: in this celebration we will not fail to share our common prayer and bonds of fraternal closeness.
For this reason, we propose to all the following for this fifth annual gathering:
- Pray and promote prayer for the Capuchin Family;
- Spread the meaning of this gathering in the media: networks, messages, web pages, letters, publications, etc;
- be a catalyst for fostering a connection among the members of the Capuchin family in your region or city;
- Deepen your knowledge of two women of great spiritual stature in our Capuchin family: Blessed Francesca Maria Rubatto, who will soon be canonized, founder of the Capuchin Sisters of Mother Rubatto; and the Venerable Maria Lorenza Longo, who will be beatified on October 9th, founder of the Capuchin Poor Clares.
In every fraternity, in every friary, convent and monastery, in every mission and throughout our church, we are challenged to become prophetic figures in our day, cultivating our family spirit, which makes us grow in love of our identity and renews our enthusiasm for putting our charism at the center of our service to the people of God.
Br. Leonardo Ariel González Ruilópez
Delegate of the General Minister
for the Capuchin Nuns and the
Institutes Aggregated to the Order.
Preghiera per la giornata della Famiglia cappuccina
Accendi in noi il fuoco
O Spirito Santo,
riempi i cuori dei tuoi fedeli
e accendi in noi quello stesso fuoco,
che ardeva nel cuore di Gesù,
mentre egli parlava del regno di Dio,
mentre annunziava a tutti la buona novella:
“Al Padre vostro è piaciuto di darvi il suo regno…
tutti voi siete fratelli!”
Fa' che questo fuoco si comunichi a noi,
così come si comunicò a Francesco e Chiara,
così come si è acceso nei primi cappuccini,
così come hanno bruciato di ardore i fondatori e le fondatrici
della nostra famiglia spirituale.
Tu solo, Spirito Santo,
puoi accenderlo
e a te dunque rivolgiamo la nostra debolezza,
la nostra povertà, il nostro cuore spento,
perché tu lo riaccenda del calore,
della santità della vita, della forza del regno.
Donaci, Spirito Santo,
in modo nuovo, il Carisma
per essere accolto nella nostra vita concreta
per metterlo al servizio della Chiesa,
per ridonarlo ai poveri, agli ultimi.
Te lo chiediamo
per l'intercessione di Maria, madre di Gesù,
piena di grazia e comunione,
modello della Chiesa serva e fraterna. Amen.
(Adattamento di una preghiera del Card. Carlo Martini)