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Religionis zelus 1528

Religionis zelus
(3 July 1528)

1 Clement, bishop, servant of the servants of God, to the beloved sons Ludovico and Raffaele da Fossombrone, professed members of the Order of Friars Minor, health and apostolic blessing.

2 Zeal for religion [Religionis zelus], goodness of life and customs and other praiseworthy merits of honesty and virtue, because of which you are recommended to us by persons worthy of belief,  urge us to comply favourably with your desires, in so far as this is possible for us in the Lord, especially those things regarding the salvation of souls and the spread of religion.

3 The petition that you have presented to us recently affirms that you, in the past, moved by the desire to serve the Most High, entered the Order of Friars Minor called the Observance, in which, having made profession, you have lived for some time. Having obtained then the permission of your superior at the time,  in conformity with the apostolic letters regarding the union and concord among the said friars and those called Conventuals,  you joined them, welcomed kindly by the provincial master of the Marches,  joining the friars and circumscription of that province. Afterwards, since for the salvation of your souls and the glory of God, you desired to lead an eremitical life and observe the Rule of blessed Francis, in so far as human frailty permits, the aforesaid provincial master gave you permission to approach the Roman Curia in petition from us and from the Apostolic See what seemed appropriate to ask and obtain for the salvation of your souls and the glory of God.

4 Also our beloved son Andrea, cardinal priest and of the title of Saint Prisca, protector of the aforesaid Order, authorised you to present the said petition, in such a way however that one of your group must present himself each year, as a sign of submission in the name of you all, to the provincial master or to the chapter of the province of Conventual Friars where you live. Further, that the said provincial master may visit you, if he considers it opportune, once a year but not more often. And whenever he finds that you do not observe the said Rule, to admonish you so that you may observe it more perfectly, obliging you in the necessary ways. Apart from this, however, he may not transfer you from place to place, nor can he order or oblige you in anything. Rather he is obliged to protect and defend you so that in peace you may serve the Most High in divine matters, as is said to be clearly expressed in the patent letters of the same cardinal protector and of the provincial master.

5 Therefore the petition has been humbly addressed to us, which we deign to grant you, from apostolic favour, to lead this type of eremitical life, and we provide for the matters already mentioned in the appropriate way.

6 Therefore we, desiring the salvation of souls, absolve each of you and regard each of you absolved from any censure, penalty or other church sentence of excommunication, suspension or interdict, in whatever incurred, whether a iure or ab homine [by law or by human declaration], exclusively in order to the effect of this letter. Considering the aforesaid letters and their content as sufficiently explicit, by apostolic authority we grant you in virtue of this present letter: to lead the eremitical life according to the aforesaid Rule; to wear the habit with the square cowl;  to receive anyone into your community whether secular cleric or priest, or layman;  to wear the beard, both for them and for you; to withdraw to any hermitage or place, given the consent of the owners of the said places, and there to dwell, to lead an austere and eremitical art and to beg anywhere. And we grant you permission and full and free faculty to use, possess and enjoy aeque principaliter, freely and legally, and each and every privilege, indult and favour granted to the Order of Friars Minor and to the Hermitage of the Camaldolese of blessed Romuald and his hermits to this day or in the future, both in general or in particular, in the same way in which they use, possess and enjoy them and will enjoy them in the future.  

7 Furthermore with these apostolic writings we order all archbishops, bishops, abbots, ecclesiastic dignitaries, canons of metropolitan churches or other cathedral churches, vicars general of the aforesaid archbishops, bishops and abbots, to lend you effective defence either personally or by other means, and to make it possible for each and everyone of you to use and enjoy in peace all of the aforesaid faculties, and permit any one of you to be ill-treated, impeded or disturbed by contravening this letter. Rather they are to prosecute at their discretion any dissident or rebel by means of censures or penalties or other lawful provisions, without right of appeal and, if necessary, having recourse to the secular arm.

8 The  apostolic constitution of Boniface VIII, of happy memory and our predecessor, issued in a synod, a general council, and then in two other synods;  nor other papal constitutions or rulings; no statutes or customs of the said Order, even if they were confirmed by oath or approved by the Apostolic See or reinforced by other bonds; nor privileges, indults or apostolic letters granted by any of predecessor Roman pontiff or by ourselves or by the Apostolic See, whether with the vigour of general law or perpetual statute, or by motu proprio, with full knowledge and the fullness of our authority; with any kind of clause - whether invalidating, abrogating, annulling, revoking, preserving, limiting, rehabilitating, declarative – or attestations, repeals of abrogation, or other more effective measures, or other very valid and extraordinary clauses granted, confirmed and renewed, even many times, in whatever way, in the consistory. In a special way we expressly depart from all these, for this one time only, while leaving their vigour otherwise intact, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, also in the cases where in order to obtain a valid repeal specific verbatim reference to them and their contents is necessary; and those general clauses, even if equivalent, may be insufficient, but express mention must be made, or a specially determined form must be observed and be expressly affirmed that cannot be absolutely derogated to them. In this letter we consider their content to be sufficiently expressed, as reproduced word for word, and all the modalities and forms specifically established in the matter are observed.

9 Therefore it is not permissible for anyone among men to infringe this document of our absolution, concession, ruling and repeal, or with daring boldness to go against these. If anyone will presume to attempt this, let him know that he will incur the indignation of almighty God and the blessed apostles Peter and Paul.

Given in Viterbo, in 1528 year of the Incarnation of the Lord, 3 July, in the fifth year of our pontificate.

the salvation of souls, absolve each of you and regard each of you absolved from any censure, penalty or other church sentence of excommunication, suspension or interdict, in whatever incurred, whether a iure or ab homine, exclusively in order to the effect of this letter. Considering the aforesaid letters and their content as sufficiently explicit, by apostolic authority we grant you in virtue of this present letter: to lead the eremitical life according to the aforesaid Rule; to wear the habit with the square cowl;  to receive anyone into your community whether secular cleric or priest, or layman;  to wear the beard, both for them and for you; to withdraw to any hermitage or place, given the consent of the owners of the said places, and there to dwell, to lead an austere and eremitical art and to beg anywhere. And we grant you permission and full and free faculty to use, possess and enjoy aeque principaliter, freely and legally, and each and every privilege, indult and favour granted to the Order of Friars Minor and to the Hermitage of the Camaldolese of blessed Romuald and his hermits to this day or in the future, both in general or in particular, in the same way in which they use, possess and enjoy them and will enjoy them in the future.  

7 Furthermore with these apostolic writings we order all archbishops, bishops, abbots, ecclesiastic dignitaries, canons of metropolitan churches or other cathedral churches, vicars general of the aforesaid archbishops, bishops and abbots, to lend you effective defence either personally or by other means, and to make it possible for each and everyone of you to use and enjoy in peace all of the aforesaid faculties, and permit any one of you to be ill-treated, impeded or disturbed by contravening this letter. Rather they are to prosecute at their discretion any dissident or rebel by means of censures or penalties or other lawful provisions, without right of appeal and, if necessary, having recourse to the secular arm.

8 The  apostolic constitution of Boniface VIII, of happy memory and our predecessor, issued in a synod, a general council, and then in two other synods;  nor other papal constitutions or rulings; no statutes or customs of the said Order, even if they were confirmed by oath or approved by the Apostolic See or reinforced by other bonds; nor privileges, indults or apostolic letters granted by any of predecessor Roman pontiff or by ourselves or by the Apostolic See, whether with the vigour of general law or perpetual statute, or by motu proprio, with full knowledge and the fullness of our authority; with any kind of clause - whether invalidating, abrogating, annulling, revoking, preserving, limiting, rehabilitating, declarative – or attestations, repeals of abrogations, or other more effective measures, or other very valid and extraordinary clauses granted, confirmed and renewed, even many times, in whatever way, in the consistory. In a special way we expressly depart from all these, for this one time only, while leaving their vigour otherwise intact, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, also in the cases where in order to obtain a valid repeal specific verbatim reference to them and their contents is necessary; and those general clauses, even if equivalent, may be insufficient, but express mention must be made, or a specially determined form must be observed and be expressly affirmed that cannot be absolutely derogated to them. In this letter we consider their content to be sufficiently expressed, as reproduced word for word, and all the modalities and forms specifically established in the matter are observed.

9 Therefore it is not permissible for anyone among men to infringe this document of our absolution, concession, ruling and repeal, or with daring boldness to go against these. If anyone will presume to attempt this, let him know that he will incur the indignation of almighty God and the blessed apostles Peter and Paul.

Given in Viterbo, in 1528 year of the Incarnation of the Lord, 3 July, in the fifth year of our pontificate.


bulla religionis zelus

Original version in Latin - Collectanea franciscana, Annus 48, 1978, p. 243 – 248


(Textus emendatus)

Reformatio seu congregatio capuccina, Catharina Cybo ducissa Camerinensi intercedente, a Clemente Pp. VII approbata est brevi Exponi nobis dato Viterbii die 3 iulii anni 1528, et eadem datatione sub plumbo expedito, i. e. in forma bullae incipientis verbis Religionis zelus. Huius redactio in pluribus mutata est, brevis substantia eadem permanente. Praeter originale bullae fratri Ludovico de Fossombrone traditum, bina transumpta authentica facta sunt: unum pro Raphaele, Ludovici germano fratre, alterum pro Catharina Cybo. Ex quibus exemplaribus tamen hodie nullum superest. Immo, in archivo vaticano scriptio, quam “minuta” aiunt, tantummodo brevis servatur.

Anconae die 10 iulii anni 1579 chronographus Marius de Mercato Saraceno bina transumpta authentica trium primorum documentorum S. Sedis nascentem reformationem respicientium per Vincentium Pavesium, publicum notarium apostolicum, conficienda curavit, scil. brevis Ex parte vestra a S. Paenitentiaria die 18 maii anni 1526 fratribus Ludovico et Raphaeli de Fossombrone necnon Matthaeo de Bascio dati, bullae Religionis zelus, et brevis pariter Ex parte vestra die 11 septembris anni 1528 ab eadem Paenitentiaria concessi quinque sodalibus Observantibus Marchiae statim congregationi capuccinae aggregatis. Haec tria transumpta, conglutinata, duos rotulos membranaceos efformant, quibus est mensura 120 centimetrorum per 45,5: unus in archivo generali Ordinis asservatur; alter in archivo provinciali provinciae Picenae in urbe Ancona.

Ad transumptum bullae quod attinet, illud ex originali, quod in urbe Fossombrone - ut fertur - adhuc saeculo XVII custodiebatur, confectum est. Ex exemplari archivi generalis Zacharias Boverius in suis Annalibus Capuccinorum (I, Lugduni 1632, 94-96) textum bullae publici iuris fecit, non tamen fideliter exscriptum, cum, praeter variantes minoris seu minimi momenti, nonnullae omissiones in eodem deprehendantur. Textum a Boverio excerpserunt tum Lucas Wadding (Annales Minorum XVI, Ad Claras Aquas 3 1933, 296-298 vel 257s) tum editor Bullarii Capuccini (I, Romae 1740, 3s), apud quos eaedem omissiones inveniuntur praeter alias variationes cuiusque proprias. Ex eodem transumpto authentico Laertius Chembini textum satis fideliter edidit in suo Magno Bullario Romano (I, Lugduni 1673, 672s), quem editores Bullarii Romani (ed. Taurinensis, VI, Augustae Taurinorum 1860, 113-115) resumpserunt.

Fatendum tamen est quod transumpti anconitani bina exemplaria (licet, teste praedicto notario fideliter ex authentico originali exscripta et “de verbo ad verbum”  auscultata et cum eodem collata) erroribus exscriptionis minime careant, qui nullo modo emendati sunt; immo, quia eadem scribae menda in illis exemplaribus deprehenduntur, suspicari licet unum ab alio pendere, minime utrumque ex originali exscritum fuisse.

Quia studiosi viri, de re nostra agentes, textu vel a Boverio vel a Wadding vel a Bullariis Capuccino et Romano oblato suo quisque comodo uti solent, textum emendatum transumptorum autheticorum, ab evidentioribus mendis purgatum, offerimus. Cum autem illa transumpta momento palaeographico seu diplomatico careant, in hoc nostro textu modernam orthographiam adhibemus. Claritatis lectionis causa, paragraphos iam a Boverio et a praedictis Bullariis numeratas et nos servamus. Errores et variationes sive transumptorum sive textuum editorum ad calcem adnotamus, his siglis utentes: Tr A et R (exemplaria transumptorum Anconae et Romae servatorum),  B (Boverius), W (Wadding), BC (Bullarium Ccapuccinum), BR (Bullarium Romanum, ed. Taurinensis).

En igitur textus emendatus:



dilectis filiis Ludovico et Raphaeli de Foro Sempronii1

Ordinis fratrum Minorum professoribus, salutem et apostolicam



Religionis zelus, vitae ac morum honestas aliaque laudabilia probitatis et2 virtutum merita, super quibus apud nos fide digno commendamini testimonio, nos inducunt ut votis vestris3, praesertim quae animarum salutem et religionis propagationem respiciunt, quantum cum Deo possumus favorabiliter4 annuamus.


[1] Sane pro parte vestra nobis nuper exhibita petitio continebat quod vos, olim fervore serviendi5 Altissimo ducti, Ordinem fratrum Minorum de Observantia nuncupatorum ingressi, in eo, professionem emissi6, per certum tempus permansistis, et deinde de licentia vestri7 tunc superioris, iuxta formam litterarum apostolicarum super unione et concordia inter praedictos et Conventuales nuncupatos fratres dicti Ordinis edita confectarum, ad ipsorum fratrum Conventualium consortium vos transtulistis, et a tunc magistro provinciali provinciae Marchiae dictorum fratrum Conventualium benigne recepti, ac aliorum fratrum Conventualium eiusdem provinciae numero et consortio aggregati fuistis; et deinde, vobis desiderantibus, pro animarum vestrarum salute ac Dei gloria, eremiticam vitam ducere, et, quantum8 humana patitur fragilitas, Regulam beati Francisci observare, dictus magister provincialis licentiam ad Romanam Curiam  accedendi, et a nobis ac Sede Apostolica quaecumque ad animarμm vestrarum salutem ac9 Dei gloriam opportuna vobis viderentur petendi et impetrandi, concessit.

[2] Ac10 etiam dilectus filius noster Andreas, tituli Sanctae Priscae presbyter cardinalis, dicti Ordinis protector, vobis ut similem impetrationem faceretis11 indulsit12, ita tamen quod unus ex consortio vestro, omnium vestrorum nomine, magistro provinciali seu capitulo provinciae dictorum fratrum Conventualium, in qua habitaretis, singulis annis se praesentare in signum subiectionis teneretur, et ipse magister, si sibi videretur, semel in anno, et non ultra, vos visitare, et, si inveniret13 vos Regulam praedictam14 non observare, ad eam plenius observandam vos admonere ac debitis modis compellere posset; praeter haec autem, nec vos de loco ad locum transferre nec aliquid aliud vobis iniungere aut a vobis exigere valeret, sed potius vos tueri et defendere teneretur, ut in pace possetis Altissimo in divinis famulari15, prout in litteris patentibus eorundem cardinalis protectoris et magistri provincialis desuper confectis plenius dicitur contineri.

[3] Quare, pro parte vestra, nobis fuit humiliter supplicatum ut vobis vitam eremiticam huiusmodi16 ducendi facultatem concedere aliasque in praemissis opportune providere17 de benignitate apostolica dignaremur.

[4] Nos igitur, qui salutem cupimus animarum, vestrum quemlibet a quibusvis excommunicationis, suspensionis et interdicti aliisque ecclesiasticis sententiis, censuris et poenis, a iure vel ab homine quavis occasione vel causa latis, si quibus quomodolibet innodatus exsistit18, ad effectum praesentium dumtaxat consequendum, harum serie absolventes et absolutum fore censentes19, ac litteras praedictas et in eis contenta quaecumque praesentibus pro sufficienter expressis habentes20, huiusmodi supplicationibus inclinati, auctoritate apostolica, tenore praesentium, vobis ut secundum Regulam praedictam vitam eremiticam ducere,

[5] et habitum cum caputio quadrato gestare,

[6] necnon omnes, tam clericos saeculares et presbyteros quam laicos, ad vestrum consortmm recipere,

[7] ac tam illi quam vos barbam deferre,

[8] et ad eremitoria seu loca quaecumque, cum consensu dominorum eorundem locorum, vos conferre, et in eis21 habitare vitamque austeram et eremiticam inibi agere, et in quibuscumque locis mendicare,

[9] necnon omnibus et singulis privilegiis, indultis et gratiis Ordini22 fratrum Minorum huiusmodi ac eremo camaldulensi beati Romualdi illiusque eremitis in genere vel in specie hactenus concessis et in posterum concedendis, et quibus ipsi quomodolibet utuntur, potiuntur23 et gaudent, ac uti, potiri et gaudere poterunt in futurum, vos quoque aeque principaliter, sicut ipsi, uti, potiri et gaudere libere et licite valeatis, plenam et liberam licentiam ac24 facultatem concedimus.

[10] Et nihilominus universis et singulis archiepiscopis, episcopis et abbatibus aliisque in dignitate ecclesiastica constitutis personis, necnon canonicis metropolitanarum vel aliarum cathedralium ecclesiarum ipsorumque archiepiscoporum, episcoporum et abbatum vicariis in spiritualibus generalibus25 per apostolica scripta mandamus quatenus eorum quilibet, per se vel alium seu alios26, vobis et vestrum cuilibet, in praemissis efficacis27 defensionis praesidio assistat, et faciat vos et vestrum quemlibet praemissis28 omnibus et singulis pacifice frui et gaudere, nec permittat vestrum quemlibet29 contra tenorem praesentium modo aliquo molestari, impediri, aut inquietari. Contradictores quoslibet et rebelles, etiam per quascumque, de quibus sibi placuerit, censuras et poenas et alia iuris30 remedia, appellatione postposita, compescendo, invocato etiam31 ad hoc, si opus fuerit, auxilio brachii saecularis.

[11] Non obstantibus felicis recordationis Bonifatii Pp. VIII, praedecessoris nostri, etiam de una et in32 Concilio33 generali de duabus dietis edita, ac aliis constitutionibus et ordinationibus apostolicis necnon dicti Ordinis statutis et consuetudinibus etiam iuramento, confirmatione apostolica vel quavis firmitate alia roboratis, privilegiis quoque, indultis ac litteris apostolicis per quoscumque Romanos Pontifices praedecessores nostros ac nos et Sedem praedictam, etiam per vim35 generalis legis et36 statuti perpetui, ac motu proprio et ex certa scientia ac de apostolicae potestatis plenitudine, et cum quibusvis irritativis, annullativis, cassativis, revocativis, praeservativis, exceptivis, restitutivis, declarativis, mentis37 attestativis ac derogatoriarum derogatoriis aliisque38 efficacioribus, efficacissimis et insolitis clausulis et consistorialiter quomodolibet etiam pluries concessis, confirmatis et innovatis. Quibus omnibus, etiamsi pro illorum sufficienti derogatione, de illis eorumque totis tenoribus specialis, individua ac de verbo ad verbum, non autem per clausulas generales idem importantes, mentio seu quaevis alia expressio habenda aut certa exquisita forma servanda foret et in eis caveatur expresse quod illis nullatenus derogari possit, illorum etiam tenores praesentibus pro sufficienter expressis ac de verbo ad verbum insertis, necnon modos et formas ad id servandas pro individuo servatis habentes, hac vice dumtaxat, illis alias in suo robore permansuris harum serie specialiter et expresse derogamus, ceterisque contrariis quibuscumque.

Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostrae absolutionis, concessionis, mandati et derogationis infringere vel ei39 ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attentare praesumpserit, indignationem Omnipotentis Dei et40 beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum eius se noverit incursurum.

Datum Viterbii, anno Incarnationis Dominicae millesimo quingentesimo vigesimo octavo, quinto nonas iulii, pontificatus nostri anno quinto.

[Ad calcem] Gratis pro Deo. P. Medina. B. Tucchis. Chr. Aquillis secretario. Villareal. Jo. Molucti. F. Guadens. A. Gratiadei. B. de Braccijs.

[Addit notarius:] Omisso sigillo plumbei cum improntis videlicet ab uno latere capita Beatorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli, et ab alio Clemens PP. septimus cum cordulis siricis rubei et ialli.

[A tergo] Registrata in secretaria apostolica.

Archivista generalis Ordinis


1 Foro Sempronii] Forosempron.  Tr A et R, Forosemproniense BR, Forosempronio B, W, BC.
2 et] ac B, W, BC, BR.
3 vestris] nostris Tr A et R.
4 favorabiliter] favorabilem Tr A et R, B, BR, favorabiles BC.
5  fervore serviendi] favore serviendo Tr A et R, favore serviendi BC.
6 in eo, professionem emissi] in ea professione emissi Tr A et R, in eo professione emissa W, in ea professione emissa BC, in ea professionem emissi BR.
7 vestri] nostri Tr A et R.
8 quantum] quanta Tr A et R.
9 ac] ad B, BC.
10 Ac] At W.
11 faceretis] facere Tr A et R, B, W, BR.
12 indulsit] om. Tr A et R, B, W, BR.
13 inveniret] invenerit B, W, BC, BR.
14 Regulam praedictam] praedictam Regulam W.
15 famulari] tumulari Tr A et R.
16 huiusmodi] om. B, W, BC.
17 providere] praevidere Tr A.
18 innodatus exsistit] innodati existitis W.
19 harum serie… censentes] om. B, W, BC.
20 habentes] habentur W.
21 eis] his BR.
22 Ordini] Ordinis B, BC.
23 potiuntur] om. B, W, BC.
24 ac] et B, W, BC, BR.
25 generalibus] discretioni vestrae add. Tr A et R, B, BC, BR.
26 vel alium seu alios] vel alium seu aliis Tr A et R, vel alios seu alii B et BC vel alios seu alium W et BR.
27 efficacis] efficaciae Tr A et R.
28 efficacis … praemissis] om. W.
29 quemlibet] quemcumque Tr A.
30 iuris] in eis Tr A et R, B, BR.
31 etiam] om. B, W, BC, BR.
32 in] om. B, BC.
33 Concilio] Consilio Tr A et R. BR.
34 etiam] et etiam B, BC.
35 vim] viam Tr A et R.
36 et] ac B, W, BC, BR.
37 mentis] mensis B, BC.
38 aliisque] aliis BC.
39 ei] ex Tr A et R, eis B.
40 et] ac B, W, BC.

Last modified on Wednesday, 15 September 2021 22:19
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