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Franciscan and Capuchin images

On the walls of our friaries you will find many paintings of a Franciscan and Capuchin character. Today, thanks to the internet, we can make them available to you as high-resolution scans.

The material has been prepared in TIFF and PDF formats. In some cases it is in the A4 and A3 standard sizes for easy printing. We hope that in this way we can offer to the brothers all over the world the chance to enjoy and appreciate the sources of our Capuchin and Franciscan history.

Access the resources by clicking on the link indicated:

Cappuccin Creative Commons

Last modified on Friday, 15 December 2017 21:02
FaLang translation system by Faboba
Copyright: Curia Generalis Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum
Via Piemonte, 70 - 00187 Roma, Italia, tel. +39 06 42 01 17 10 / +39 335 1641820, ofmcap.org - 1528 - 2022 webmaster